
Dictatorship Laws of North Korea – Part 3

In the last two articles, we have seen some unbelievable laws in North Korea that would make you thank your lucky stars for not being born there. However, my dear friend, the list is not yet over!

Here’s some more laws to show you the hardships North Koreans face in their own country!

1. Weddings in North Korea

Can you imagine getting married in a dictatorship country like North Korea? What would it be like?

Right after the official ceremony, as per the rules of North Korea, newly-weds have to visit and bow to Kim Il Sung’s statue, the founder of the autocratic country. And don’t even think about going on a honeymoon to France or Italy as the North Korean law strictly forbids travelling. 

Additionally, the law stipulates that one cannot get married on Kim Jong Un and Kim II-Sung’s birthdays. Yes, even the marriage institution is affected!

2. Can I Drive?

Remember how Letty Ortiz drove ferociously in the Fast and Furious movies?

However, in North Korea, women are not permitted to drive and only male government officials are allowed to drive. Per this government restriction, it is estimated that only one in 100 people have a car. 

Imagine a mother who cannot drive her ailing child to the hospital as the law does not permit her to!

3. Smoking Pot

The consumption of marijuana is forbidden in most countries, except for North Korea. Smoking marijuana is entirely acceptable and there are actually no laws that punish its trade or consumption in the country.

While serving in South Korea, an American soldier called Allen Abshier, defected to North Korea. One of the reasons that were suggested was that he wanted to smoke marijuana in complete freedom.

4. Haircuts

If you take a look at North Koreans, you will notice that they have similar hairstyles. Why? In 2013, Kim Jong Un introduced a list of haircuts that would be allowed in the country. 28 ‘state-authorised’ hairstyles include ten haircut styles for men and 18 for women. If men grow their hair even longer than 2 inches, they will be severely punished while all women are supposed to have long hairstyles. 

So North Korean women cannot even dream of having a hairstyle like Kristen Stewart in Charlie’s Angels!

5. Pregnancy

Yes, the iron-fisted regime even controlled this phase of life!

As per North Korea, even if a woman is on the verge of giving birth, she cannot go into labour unless she is alone. Moreover, if she gives birth to triplets, they are taken by the state and are returned at the age of four.

Weird, isn’t it?

6. A Visit to North Korea

North Korea does not even spare tourists!

Upon your arrival in the country, you will have to submit your phones and other devices such as MP3 player or tablets to the government officials. You will be allowed to take them back when you return to your home country. But it doesn’t end here!

You will be accompanied and closely monitored by government officials and even your photographs will be analysed and submit for approval to the state.

Furthermore, if you visit the glass tomb where the dead body of the former North Korean’s leader is preserved, don’t forget to bow or else you will be imprisoned for life!

7. Military Service

You cannot say no to military service in North Korea!

It is compulsory for men to serve 10 years, while women seven years in the military.

However, North Korean women’s military life is tough as they all should have the same haircut and should always march in unison. And, if one among them dares to make a misstep, then all of them could be severely punished.

8. Press Freedom

Freedom of the press is considered as a must for the contemporary world. However, press freedom is like a myth in North Korea. For instance, ‘Reporters without Borders’, an international organisation that aims to protect the right to freedom of information, release their rankings on media freedom across the world annually. And, as expected, in the year 2020, North Korea once again ranked bottom of the ‘Press- Freedom’ index.

In one of his public statements, Former President Trump claimed that:

North Korea does not value its people as equal citizens and it is a cruel dictatorship. It is a hell that no person deserves!”

Do you also believe in the above statement? Do you think that Kim Jong Un is a deranged leader? Please share your comments

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