Property Law


Unlocking Freedom: A Legal Guide to Canceling Your Timeshare

Investing in a timeshare often starts as a dream of endless vacations and luxury getaways. However, changing circumstances, financial considerations, or dissatisfaction with the timeshare experience may lead individuals to explore the process of cancelling their timeshare legally. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the legal aspects of timeshare…

Family Law Succession of the Surviving Spouse

Family Law: Succession of the Surviving Spouse

 – Succession of surviving spouse: without descendants and ascendants  – Succession of surviving spouse: with descendants  – Succession of the surviving spouse: when there are parents  – Where to go for professionals legal advice? In the presence of a surviving spouse, the estate is divided between the descendants, the ascendants…

Closing a Property Sale in Florida

Selling a home in Florida can be different than selling one in any other state, both in terms of laws and traditional procedures. Here are some important facts to know. Role of Real Estate Agents in Florida Your Florida real estate agent is also called the “listing agent,” assuming that…