In most cases involving someone dying, assigning the blame can be relatively straightforward. A drunk driver ran a red light and caused the death of someone crossing the road, a person is assaulted and dies from their injuries, an overworked surgeon botches a relatively simple medical procedure and the patient…
Laws exist in every country of the world to protect you and provide a framework that allows all citizens to live in peace and harmony. While some laws may seem a little excessive and antiquated, they usually make sense, and most people don’t think twice about following the rules. However,…
There is a certain level of confusion around the legal implications of taking your children abroad if you are divorced or separated. This article attempts to address some of these concerns and provide you with a point of contact for further information. The first thing that needs to be considered…
DUI is an acronym for “driving under the influence.” DWI stands for “driving while intoxicated,” or in some cases, “driving while impaired.” The terms can have different meanings or they can refer to the same offense, depending on the state in which you were pulled over. In any case, DUI…
Contempt of court, also referred to simply as “contempt,” is the disobedience of an order of a court. It is also conduct tending to obstruct or interfere with the orderly administration of justice. The purpose of recognizing contempt of court is to secure the dignity of the courts and the…
“I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” – a mantra recited dozens of times a week in TV shows and movies. It’s so familiar that its significance can be overlooked. But, when sworn in a court or other official proceeding, it makes everything…
Have you ever been unable to locate someone? No, we’re not talking about playing hide-and-seek with your friends or kids! Here we’re referring to significant instances of tracking down people for more critical reasons: a customer who didn’t pay for the services received, a missing witness, somebody who ditched you…
Are you hiring the right person for your organization? Do you make decisions according to your “gut feeling”? If you are among those who think that all job seekers are completely honest in their resumes, we advise you to give it another thought. Even if it is not always the…
A woman makes “only $0.81 for every dollar a man makes”, according to a PayScale report published in early 2020. While numerous activists have been fighting against gender discrimination since 1848, the battle is not over yet. Women are still sexually harassed at work and face inequalities in terms of…
As someone who binge watches old daytime TV on YouTube, I’m very familiar with the fact that programs like Maury, The Jeremy Kyle Show, Couples Court with the Cutlers and their ilk hook viewers through lie detector revelations. And so, I’ve always been curious as to how effective lie detector…